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Business owners reviewing business transformation with a certified advisor

Digital Assessment
& Strategy Plan

Easy | Quick | Comprehensive

A Digital Maturity Assessment provides a very comprehensive Digital Strategy designed for busy small and medium-sized executives.

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Education, Assessment, Internal Analysis, & Informed Decision Making.

A Digital Maturity Assessment provides a comprehensive Digital Strategy that evaluates your current digital capabilities and outlines a clear, actionable path for technological advancement and integration.

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Illustration of advisors and business owners at a conference table

Action Plan

Finalization of the oppurtunities and the Digital Transfromation Action Plan.

Illustration of an advisor working at their computer for a client


Build the Action Plan based on the priorities, capabilities and resources available.

Illustration of an advisor and business owner meeting


Detailed assessment of the seven critical areas of Digital Maturity.

Illustration of an advisor showing a graph


Orientation on the model, take the Quick Scores and scope the complete assessment.

Digital Assessment Process

Find opportunities, get direction, and set a course of action!

Quick Score, Assessment, Benchmark and an Action Plan

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Illustration of an advisor and business owner sitting at a table


Several Group sessions to brainstorm, prioritize and explore opportunities.

Illustration of a business person at their desk working


Set everything right in order to go through an effective and valuable planning process.

Illustration of business owners in a meeting


Several Group Sessions to plan resources, initiatives and make decisions.

Illustration of a business woman giving a presentation in a conference room


Finalize the plans and set everything for a successful execution phrase.

Digital Strategy Plan

The Proven Process of generating a winning Digital Strategy Plan

Vision Statement | Strategy Map | Roadmap | Execution Plan

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Illustration of an advisor showing a graph


How It Works:

During this short call, the Advisor explains the main concepts of Digital Transformation, Digital Maturity Group and the Digital Maturity Benchmark Process. 


Then the Advisor takes a quick mini-assessment to find hot-spots and identify priorities that need to be discussed at the assessment meeting. 


Finally the advisor schedules the Assessment Meeting to make sure all key people from the organization can participate.

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Illustration of a business person at their desk working


What Happens:

  • Kickoff meeting with Champion / Project Owner

  • Schedule Sessions

  • Scope Digital Strategy Vision

  • Direction on each of the six parts for the Digital Strategy Vision Statement

  • Identify the potential Strategic Themes for the Digital Strategy Business Man

What You Get:

A Digital Strategy Vision Statement will give your company a direction on how customer experience, employee productivity, management capabilities, and company value can be increased.

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